Saturday, March 26, 2011

Those Fun Night Nurses!

I love Jaden's night nurses. They have way too much fun at night trying to pass the time! Here are the pictures they took of Jaden at 3am this morning: (doesn't he look like he's saluting you with his other hand over his heart?)

I guess they decided that since Dad's in the military, Jaden needed to show his support. And where did they get the outfit you ask? From Build A Bear. Yup - it's meant to go on a teddy bear! I got excited when I found that out because I know they have a sailor's outfit at Build A Bear so I'm totally going to go and dress Jaden up as a tiny sailor!

Then he got so tired of modeling he slept the rest of the night!

Not too many new updates. He's down to 2.5 Liters per minute of air, and they have started to contract his feedings, meaning that he is no longer getting milk continually pumping into his stomach. Now, every 2 1/2 hours they stop his feedings for 30 minutes. They will gradually increase the length of time between feedings until they get him on a schedule where he gets fed once every three hours. He is just doing so well!

1 comment:

Lessa said...

What a truely handsome little guy you have. I am glad he is doing so well. I admire your strength.