Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy 2 Month B-Day!!

And what did we do to celebrate? A photo shoot of course!
I had so much fun dressing him up! At first we had his little hat on
but it really just didn't fit or look good. Plus, he's indoors, so he's really not supposed to wear the hat... so i took picture after picture after picture.

(that picture shows his herniated belly button - so no, that's not his wee-wee, but it is actually his belly button) After awhile he asked me to stop

but I didn't, so he started to get mad
but it had the reverse effect on me because I just thought it was cute so I kept taking pictures, which made him even more mad so I handed the camera off and picked him up (he LOVES being held) Then I finally decided he had had enough, so we took off his cute sailor outfit and put him in normal baby clothes He slightly opened his eyes, gave me a look that said "Thank you for getting me out of those crazy clothes" and then promptly fell into an angelic slumber. There's his crazy hair from the front, and here it is from the back:I have a feeling his hair will NEVER lay flat. That's ok. I'll keep him! :)

As far as updates, there really aren't any. Everything is still pretty much the same. He's still doing absolutely awesome!


Mandy said...

Oh my GOSH!!! He is SOOOO cute! I can't get enough! (You look so cute too, by the way!) We want to come and see him again soon!

rebecca said...

its not his wee-wee BAHAHAH you are so cute.

christina said...

i love the wee wee comment :) i love their little herniated bellies! he is getting so big! you both look great! and as for the build a bear outfits... they are so adorable!!!!!