Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two Huge Milestones!

Milestone #1: Jake is no longer in boot camp! He graduated in an amazing ceremony and he can now be treated like a human being again. And he has a cell phone, which I love!I took a very short trip out there and I loved my time with him, but it's so hard being apart. Luckily, Jaden keeps me pretty busy so I don't dwell on that.

Milestone #2: Jaden reached the 2 pound mark! And not only did he reach it, he soared right past it! He is about 2 pounds 3 ounces! What a porker! And I am noticing that he is gaining fat in his little body. His legs aren't as knobby, his fingers are thicker, and he is getting a slight double chin! It's adorable. They have him on a different ventilator because he wasn't responding as much to the old one as they wanted. When he gets stable on this ventilator in a few days, I can hold him because the connector lines are more flexible!

They thought he might have an infection in his gut so they stopped his feedings, but they are pretty positive now that there is no infection so they started him back on feedings but only very slowly, so he is only at 4mL every 3 hours.

He is off all antibiotics, but back on some steroids. His ART line is out, as are all his IV lines. They had to change his PIC line (kind of like a long-term IV) from his foot to his arm, but it doesn't seem to bother him too much.

He is getting more and more hair, and it is growing in completely blond! I even have evidence: Here are some pictures of his legs when they were skinny chicken legs:

And now you can see his chunky monkey legs!
Is it just me, or does he look like he is trying to be a pirate in these pictures? Can't you just see him saying in his mind "Arrrrrrgh!"?


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a cutie! Congrats on both accounts.

rlewis said...

I LOVE your updates. He is so adorable and seems like such a sweetie! I am so glad you got to see Jake...you both look so good! Love you guys!

Jeni said...

He is getting big! He looks precious! I love the pirate pictures. Taylor is having pirate day at school on Friday... Jaden would fit in so perfect!

Mandy said...

We are so proud of both of your boys! Yay!

christina said...

yeah for chunky baby legs!