Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas 2012

*It's really dark and has a hard time focusing, but worth it!*

So obviously all of the planning and buying things months in advance (I was done with Christmas and Jaden's birthday shopping by the end of October) was in vain, because all he needed and wanted was the train table.  But as my grandma said, at least I found something that he absolutely loves!  And the best part - I got it for free!  In fact, everything he got for Christmas and birthday cost less than $75, and that includes all of his new 12 month and 18 month clothes!

I got Jake several things, one of which was a carpet cleaner I picked up for next to nothing at a yard sale.  It didn't work as well as we would have liked, so Jake decided to make a project out of it to see if he could fix it:
We couldn't get it working the way we wanted it to, but I think he had more fun taking it all apart and trying to put it back together!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

That was cute! And you guys are so cute too!