Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's Official... I'm a Water Snob

If the tap water even has a hint of an odd taste, I won't drink it. I mean, I will, but I find it revolting and it makes me gag. And since our water here comes from the local pond, I can't really handle it. So I accepted the fact that I am a water snob and went to the grocery store and bought 4 gallons of water! At least I am embracing my snootiness!


Mandy said...

Ha ha ha! That's me laughing out loud. I don't know whey I find you so funny right now, about this water thin, but I totally do!

Lauren said...

Mr. Clark would be so disappointed.

Amber Lynn said...

embrace it girlie, I would be a snob as well if I didnt have my purifier!!! I am too a water freak.. Hope your doing good!!!!