Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Jake!

Jake is officially 24 today! So here are 24 things that I love about my husband (in no particular order):
1. His long-standing love for Jackie Chan and Jackie Chan movies

2. How he thinks it's so funny how revolting I find Jackie Chan

3. He plays the guitar - so super sexy!

4. His dedication to school - when a teacher requests that certain pages are read before class, he actually reads them before class! I never did.

5. His willingness to watch chick flicks because it means he can cuddle with me for 2+ hours

6. The love he has for my family and the attention he pays to Robbie

7. His willingness to eat all of my cooking, even if it is burned

8. His love for violent video games

9. How he will clean up after dinner so I can go lounge on the couch

10. He watched Lost until he liked it so we could enjoy it together

11. He lets me talk his ear off about petty things like The Bachelor even though he couldn't care less

12. He likes to make sure we say our prayers and read our scriptures together - I love how important that is to him!

13. His desire to have kids and how good he is with kids

14. How he has never complained that I am the reason we can't have kids for a few more years

15. His love for Jelly Belly's

16. His patience with me and my never ending conversations

17. His love for Willow the movie

18. His amazing ability for languages and his love for the Portuguese language

19. His willingness to have adventures with me

20. How he knows that when I slightly arch my back it means I want a big long back scratch and he is always willing!

21. The way he never complains that our house isn't spotless even though I've been at home all day with nothing to do

22. How when he wants to do something that he doesn't know a lot about, he researches it so that he pretty much becomes an expert - he even built a whole computer and made our TiVo!

23. How he is so loyal to those in his life who mean a lot to him

24. The way in which he loves me unconditionally - no matter what dumb mistakes I make!


mer and mel said...

Mari- I am so glad you found someone that puts up with your craziness!!! Jk- you are such a sweetie and I am so glad you married Jake- He makes you so happy! I hope you are feeling well these days.

Mandy said...

We love you too Jake! Mari, you did a good job of making him look PERFECT!

Buffy Dayton said...

What a great post! I am proud to say Jake is my brother, and I am glad you are married to him. Thanks for making him happy, and loving his family too! (well, I think you do anyway!)

Haylee said...

That was super cute. You guys are seriously adorable. I too am proud to call him my cousin, and am so glad you are in the fam too. Happy birthday, Jake!! I know I am probably pretty late though!! oh and how could you not like Jackie Chan... he is funny AND does martial arts. I mean really.

Jeni said...

Happy late birthday jake! I love you bro!