Monday, October 27, 2008

Mega Post!

So I haven't posted in FOREVER! But now all of the sick kids are back at school, I am not substitute teaching, I am not on any trips, and I am not at the doctors, so I can finally post!

I went to New York on a girls trip and I learned that I never want to do that again. ever. It was the first time I had ever gone a single day without Jake since the day we met, and it was pretty much torture from beginning to end. Although the torture did pause while I was at Wicked and Mary Poppins!

Those are 2 of the 3 cousins on my side - Jackie and Laura.

I got a new calling as the YW Secretary and I have greatly enjoyed it thus far! We have had a mystery dinner night: (I was just the photographer so there weren't any of me, but I thought these guys looked great!)

We have gone ice blocking: (it was my first time and as you can tell I thoroughly enjoyed it!)
We went to the corn maze (on a very cold night) where I was the first to find my way out! This is my groups victory pose: My mom and I also took my brother Rob and my niece Echo to the park:
The above picture is Robbie being a stinker face because he didn't get his way.

Also, Jake and I are moving into our apartment soon! Soon meaning hopefully by this time NEXT WEEK!!! Hooray!

And I am being Hannah Montana for Halloween and Alex is being Miley Cyrus! Check back for pictures of how amazing we are sure to look!

I also discovered that my eye is REALLY blue! (and that I really need to shape my brows...)


rebecca said...

well is Echo the cutest thing you have ever seen....! glad to see that you guys are doing so well!

kandice liljenquist said...

I love it when you post a new blog! i had no idea you went to NY. i hope you loved the shows. Just let me know if you need help with the eybrows!!! ( remember London and the tweezers?)