Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Unique Name

I saw this on my friend's post and thought it would be fun, especially since I have always thought that I had such a unique name. So here was a chance to prove it! I put in Mari Cuthbert and...
LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.">How many have your name?

So then I tried Mari Doggett (my maiden name) and...
LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.">How many have your name?

Yes!! I am unique! I don't know how they get these statistics, but I like them! However, to be fair, I also put in my real name and found out that there are 5 people out there with the name Martha Cuthbert and 12 poor people out there named Martha Doggett. Who would have thought!?! I also learned that Cuthbert is much more rare of a last name than Doggett. Oh the things you can learn on the internet!

1 comment:

Buffy Dayton said...

I think you are forgetting that your name isn't MARI....silly, it is MARTHA!!!! Fun!