Thursday, August 7, 2008

Delving into the mind of a not-so-innocent 5 year old!

My mom's birthday was on Tuesday, but since my internet has been a bit faulty, this will have to do. So...

Happy Birthday!!!

And the best present she received was from my littlest brother Robbie, who is 5. He thought of this great idea to show her how much he loves her by drawing hearts on all the walls! What a novel idea! And even better, he'll do it in marker! That way she would know of the depth of his love! Luckily, she asked him to explain the markings before she blew up or it could have been disastrous! But after he said, "Yeah! I drewed hearts on all the walls to show you how much I love you!", it was kind of hard to really get mad at him. Here are some of the examples of the hearts (there are about 6 total scattered throughout the house):
This is Robbie - the culprit in all of this. Sorry for the horrible picture taking skills. The heart is there but really really faint. Having my mom point this one out is helping for two reasons: 1) it helps to locate the faint heart which isn't nearly as faint in person and 2) it gives you a scale for the size of these hearts. They are fairly large, which is to be expected for someone who just finished up preschool!
Robbie told me this was his practice drawing. We never got a definitive answer as to what it was, but just that he was testing the marker to make sure it worked. Heaven forbid he just try it on a piece of paper!


rebecca said...

what a darling story! i will have to remember to tell my mom!

Buffy Dayton said...

Oh, what a great gift! Those are the kind that make you so mad at the time (well me anyway) and then years later, looking back and loving that memory! We missed you yesterday, hope you are doing good!!

wendy said...

No way! I haven't had the opportunity yet to view Robbies art! Can't wait!! At least that will be a birthday present never forgotten by your mom! I'm sure she'll laugh when she looks back on it in a few!