Monday, August 16, 2010

The Plus Side to Unemployment

I don't know if anyone actually reads this anymore since I was a major slacker in my postings while I was working. But for those of you who are still reading this, I quit my job! It was kind of long overdue, and now I am just blissfully unemployed! So here are my top reasons why being unemployed is awesome!
  • It is 8:25am, and I am still in bed!
  • When I go to the gym at 9am, there is always a machine open
  • I can dedicate my entire week to the Tour of Utah, a bike race happening around Utah this week
  • I can actually make yummy dinners instead of something just quick and simple
  • Since we are now a one-income family instead of a two-income family, I get to be far more creative in how I shop and how I re-use items
  • I get to read to my hearts content! And I definitely have been!
  • I have more time to dedicate to my calling now, so I don't feel like such a slacker
  • My house is actually clean now! Well, actually, that one is a lie. But in theory, I would have more time to clean my house now. :)

and the best reason for being unemployed is

  • On Sunday night, when I have had such a wonderful day and I am having so much fun with my family laughing, eating, and playing games, and then I think that tomorrow is Monday and I get this little knot in my stomach knowing that all of the fun ends because I have to get up early and go to work tomorrow, and then it usually takes about 3-4 seconds for me to remember that I don't work anymore, and then this sense of euphoria fills me and it's the best feeling ever! This has happened the last two weeks in a row!

So being unemployed definitely isn't the worst thing ever. In fact, I could definitely get used to it!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I don't miss working either. There are so many tings I've been able to work into my schedule because of unemployment.

Carrie said...

I am glad that you are blogging again! I think there are many plus sides to being unemployed and I am glad that you have found them as well!

Mandy said...

First of all....I wait for your new posts all the time, so I'm happy you will be posting more often. And I love all those reasons for being unemployed....all GREAT reasons!

rebecca said...

i totally know what you mean about sunday night syndrome! yay for enjoying your weekends!

Ayisha said...

You're free?!?! YAY!!! congratulations on returning to the good life. and it certainly was overdue :)

kandice liljenquist said...

So glad to see you posting again!