Thursday, September 10, 2009

Glee Made Me Glum

I was SO excited for this show! The pilot was promising, and it looked like my kind of show. If there had been a glee club at my high school, I definitely would have been in it! And then I watched with horror last night as they ruined the most promising show on television. They totally sexed it up where it didn't need it and now I feel like I can't watch it - especially because I gave the lesson on Sunday to the Young Women on how to avoid degrading media. :) Darn those writers!


Lauren said...

ahhhh, super lame!

Amanda said...

It looked almost like HSM on TV from the previews. Too bad Fox did their normal thing and turned a great show trashy!

Mandy said...

Are there ANY shows nowadays that don't offend the spirit in some way?

Carrie said...

I know! And the last song on the preview was SO good! Grrr...why do they always have to turn talented people into sleazebags?

Sea_Gal said...

I swore off the show after that episode too.