Saturday, September 8, 2012

My New $5 Find

I have been dutifully combing craigslist, facebook groups, and yard sales for the last month or so to find the best deals for things for Jaden for Christmas and his birthday.  I must say, I am super impressed with what I have been able to find!  Today was an especially good day where we hit some awesome yard sales and found one where they were selling their toys for 50 cents or a dollar!  I think that I am pretty much done with his Christmas and birthday shopping except for more clothes and shoes.   One of my finds for the day (for 5 bucks no less!):

His feet don't touch the bottom, but that doesn't stop him from getting off and on by himself and loving it!  I am planning on sanding it down and staining it to make it really pretty.

Since he is usually with me when I buy all of this stuff, he gets to play with them for the rest of the day and then when he goes to bed they magically disappear (up to my closet) not to be seen again until Christmas morning!


Missletoe said...

Hey Mari! I've been thinking about you lately, it is great to see Jaden growing up so fast and healthy. I haven't checked in since he was a newborn. He is adorable! You guys are in Florida now? I don't remember if I told you that some government guy cam by looking for your hubby awhile back. We gave him raving reviews. I hope everything is going well for you! Keep in touch!

Mandy said...

Awesome! I always love finding great deals like that! Way to go!!