I went and saw Valkyrie (staring Tom Cruise) over the Christmas holiday, and I really liked it! And no, I didn't just like it because it shows Tom Cruise in a uniform - although that was a plus - but it was just altogether a good movie.
The movie is based on some men in Germany during WWII who are, let's say, unhappy with the way Hitler is leading their country. They don't like the image of Germany that the world is getting. So their plan is simple - assassinate Hitler. Well, actually, it turns out that that plan is not so simple after all. The movie takes you through all of the planning and has some very intense parts to say the least.
It is based on a true story, and after watching it, Jake and I kept asking each other - how in the world had we never heard this story before?!
The only problems I had with the movie were:
1. I got confused with the characters and with who was who and who was bad or good. They all seemed to blend together in my mind, so if you see it, make careful mental note of each character.
2. Being a history buff, it was hard watching the movie because (SPOILER ALERT: actually, it's only a spoiler if you don't know WWII history...) I know that they fail. I know that Hitler took the cowardly way out and committed suicide after he knew his war was lost. So the whole time I wanted to root for them but also knew that they were destined to fail. Regardless, I still found the movie captivating and wondering how in the world they would fail because things seemed to go their way.
It gave me a whole new perspective of the Germans and their feelings during the war. We are usually just taught the USA side of things: Germans were bad, unfeeling, cruel people who wanted all different from them to die. Okay, so it's not usually that bad, but rarely do they teach about Germany in a good light. This movie shows that while Hitler was at the helm, not everyone agreed with his tactics.
It is rated PG-13 for intense war scenes and people who get shot on screen, but the language was surprisingly minimal (Jake and I don't remember much but there might have been one F-word) and there is absolutely no sexuality, innuendos, nothing. There is a parting kiss between a husband and a wife, but if that sort of thing bothers you than you have bigger problems...
The movie is based on some men in Germany during WWII who are, let's say, unhappy with the way Hitler is leading their country. They don't like the image of Germany that the world is getting. So their plan is simple - assassinate Hitler. Well, actually, it turns out that that plan is not so simple after all. The movie takes you through all of the planning and has some very intense parts to say the least.
It is based on a true story, and after watching it, Jake and I kept asking each other - how in the world had we never heard this story before?!
The only problems I had with the movie were:
1. I got confused with the characters and with who was who and who was bad or good. They all seemed to blend together in my mind, so if you see it, make careful mental note of each character.
2. Being a history buff, it was hard watching the movie because (SPOILER ALERT: actually, it's only a spoiler if you don't know WWII history...) I know that they fail. I know that Hitler took the cowardly way out and committed suicide after he knew his war was lost. So the whole time I wanted to root for them but also knew that they were destined to fail. Regardless, I still found the movie captivating and wondering how in the world they would fail because things seemed to go their way.
It gave me a whole new perspective of the Germans and their feelings during the war. We are usually just taught the USA side of things: Germans were bad, unfeeling, cruel people who wanted all different from them to die. Okay, so it's not usually that bad, but rarely do they teach about Germany in a good light. This movie shows that while Hitler was at the helm, not everyone agreed with his tactics.
It is rated PG-13 for intense war scenes and people who get shot on screen, but the language was surprisingly minimal (Jake and I don't remember much but there might have been one F-word) and there is absolutely no sexuality, innuendos, nothing. There is a parting kiss between a husband and a wife, but if that sort of thing bothers you than you have bigger problems...
I have been wanting to see this, thanks for your review. I'm glad I stumbled on it and will certainly see it now.
I went and saw that over Christmas break too!! I loved it also. I had no idea about the story either and I had no idea there were so many plans to kill Hitler throughout the war.
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