So it is finally time to write about the fabulous trip to Miami! Because I am such a picture freak, this will have to be split up into several posts. We will start off at the wonderful Flamingo Gardens! It is this hurt animal sanctuary with a lot of rare plants and birds that wander right up to you! It was quite fun! First Jake and I made friends with the local flock:

And then we admired some really cool and really tall trees:

After that we went into this netted area where there are many injured birds that walk right up to you! I tried to make friends by blending in

It was really quite picturesque

One of the birds got a little too frisky with me and tried to kiss me which made me scream pretty good

And speaking of getting too frisky... (ah - the wonders of nature in action)

After we decided to give those turtles a little privacy, we almost stumbled across an iguana - literally!

Then Jake was feeling lonely and decided to bribe a duck into being his friend. It worked.

Here are the rules posted outside of the aviary. My
personal favorite is #14:

Then we went to one of those little animal talks and I decided that I want an
opossum as a pet because they eat snakes!

And since this is called Flamingo Gardens, we had to sit and watch the namesake:

We wandered off to find what else was there. That is when I found the otters! I have now officially decided to become an otter when I am reincarnated! They had so much fun swimming and chasing after each other and sliding down the water slide! What a life!
We also found some turtles and Adam (my brother-in-law), who has no problem breaking the rules, decided he wanted to hold them. I was totally freaking out because I am the ultimate rule follower but I had to at least take pictures of the whole incriminating event:
And don't think that this was a one time thing either! 
And did I mention that it was totally picturesque there?!

After, we found some fun spots to take pictures in! First there was this super cool
lookin' tree

And then we found the wedding gazebo which was totally appropriate because we were there celebrating wedding anniversary #2!

And just in case you thought all of the rule breaking was done with:

Overall, we loved Flamingo Gardens and had a great time! And with that here is a beautiful parting picture

After this day I kind of lost my deep need to document everything so the posts after this won't have quite as many pictures. I promise!
It looks like you had a great time. I love your pics! (:
You take great pictures and your trip looks like it was so fun!
You guys are such a cute couple. Especially with such "picturesque" backgrounds!
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