Naturally, if you are going anywhere in Florida, no matter your age, you must make a pilgrimage to Disney World! To not do so would be something of a sin! We spent out first lovely day (it was about 75 degrees at the end of December!) clambering all over:

which was so much fun because this was one of the only Disney parks I had never been to! I have heard about it but knew nothing about it except for the safari part. So of course we ran to the safari ride first and only had to wait about an hour in line! Word of the wise:
Every single day we were at Disney, each park closed because they were at capacity! Talk about mounds and hoards of people! And don't even get me started on the lines! But we did learn the art and magic of the fastpass! Anywho, back to the safari.... After waiting endless minutes in line we finally got to the point where we could see the trucks we would be riding on: 
We got on a truck and headed out into the pride lands (and this is where my love of Lion King might take over. You have been warned.) to see all of the amazing animals roaming free. I was sure that there had to have been some safety feature like electric fences or at least invisible fences for our protection, but boy was I in for a surprise! Here are some of the things we saw:

At this point we had to pause because we had a herd of wildebeests stampeding, I mean crossing, in front of us

And then there were some pretty elephants (which is so cliche when you think of a safari but I'll let this one slide...)

At this point I was still searching for the invisible fences that would keep me from being lions meat (I know the wildebeests went in front of us, but come on, how dangerous can a wildebeest be? It's not like they can trample the leader of the pack or anything!) but then I was quite surprised to find this waiting around the next bend

But, as I learned studying geology, you always need something in the picture for scale because you never know how far or close this rhino really is. I mean, I could have some wicked telephoto stalker lens or something. So, being the good geologists that I am, I made sure to take one with scale:

That random object in the lower right corner is definitely our safari truck. There is NOTHING stopping that rhino from maiming our truck and spearing me right in the ribs and making a rhino shish kabob out of me! Seriously, Disney has way more faith in their animals than I do! We then ran across these warthogs and these weren't the singing/dancing/hakuna matata kind either. These things looked like they would eat me for a brunch appetizer! 
After the safari we went to the Bug's Life 3D movie and Jake and I were seriously
rockin' our bug glasses!

After the bug movie Jake and I
skedaddled over to the
dinosaur land, but no matter how persuasive I tried to be, Jake wouldn't go into the bone dig with me. He claimed it was for little kids and that we didn't qualify. I reminded him that I look like a child still, and we act like children still, and that I'm a geologist and therefor it is my duty to go in, but no such luck. We did however snag some
fastpasses from strangers to go on the Dinosaur ride and I absolutely LOVED it!

And then we went to this mini
roller coaster called Primeval Whirl which sounded so fun in writing that I didn't mind the LONG line! Jake and I passed the time by being silly and having fun with the mirrors:

and then proceeded to go on the WORST RIDE IN THE PARK!!! It was even worse than the Wild Mouse at Lagoon - way more jerky and
starty-stoppy. After that disappointment, the day couldn't get worse, could it? Think again my friends!! We then went on the river rapids ride only to come out completely and utterly soaked. Was everyone soaked you ask? Nope. Just me. The rest of them had some wet spots, but were none the worse for wear. You can't really tell from the following picture, but this is just the start of the miserable evening:

Jake does have some wet spots but it doesn't appear that I am wet at all. It's an illusion. The only reason I look that way is because I don't have a dry spot on me! Oh, and did I mention that the sun was going down at this point. That only added to my problems! Luckily we were able to go on the best
roller coaster in the park called Everest. And because we had
fastpasses, we didn't have to wait in line at all!

And those shorts are not naturally that color either. They are much lighter if they are not completely drenched. The ride was a blast and totally caught me off guard several times! Then we headed for the must see event if you are going to Animal Kingdom - the Lion King show! And because we were in a party with a wheelchair, we got front row seats!

Seriously an amazing show! I saw Lion King on the stage in London and this is easily comparable! By this time we were getting ready to go and I was frozen but on our way out we spotted a friend I haven't seen in awhile so I took Jake's sweatshirt and ran to get my picture taken with her:

After our long and tiring day we decided to go home. But not without one last picture of course!

There. I promised less pictures and I delivered. The last post had 21 pictures and this one only has 2o! More wonderful posts to come!
I wish I could have warned you against Primeval Whirl. Poor girl! I always recommend the Safari, Lion King and Everest, these are the ones you might want to do twice. Time and crowds permitting!
SOOOOO JEALOUS!!! That is all I have to say!
im so jealous! looks like a ton of fun~ dont you hate it when you have to come home from a fun vacation.. pleas pleasee give your mom a big hug for me~!
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