We had a great day at the Magic Kingdom! The weather was beautiful but it was so beyond crowded! The park was closed before noon because it was at capacity! So because of the craziness, I didn't take too many pictures (you're welcome) but I did take a bunch as we clowned around on the Swiss Family Robinson
Tree House! I quickly took charge of the
tree house:

and spent time dreaming of my future home:

clowning around on the trek up:

And then realizing how much energy it takes to clown around on the way up:

Jake was the smart one and clowned around on the way down:

And then went on to prove his manliness by touching some of the props that clearly were not meant to be touched. I'll never understand boys.

As we made our way around the park one place we definitely did not stop at (in fact we ran as fast as we could through the crowd to specifically avoid it)

This ride may look innocent, but it's a total farce! It is beyond scary and definitely nightmare inducing! Jake and I also drove the cars and my car was considerably faster than
Jake's so I obviously had to slow way down to wait for him to catch up so I could take these fabulous pictures! Luckily, no one was behind me for a long ways so I didn't hold the line up.

It may look like he's winning, but really, I kicked his behind! And I'm sure it had nothing to do with his unusually slow car!
When I asked my brother Robbie if he wanted me to take pictures of any characters for him, all he told me was to give Buzz
Lightyear an "air hug". Wow. Can you tell this kid picks up a lot of random stuff in Kindergarten or what!?! Well, thankfully, the line to Buzz was FOREVER long so I dutifully gave him an "air hug" and then snapped his picture from afar.

And for the last, and my personal favorite, picture of Magic Kingdom:

We can't even remember what ride it was on (my guess is Thunder Mountain Railroad) but it still cracks me up because it is usually the child acting up in those "what not to do" pictures but the adult is totally going for it too! It makes me giggle every time!
Alright. That's it for this stop. Don't worry - only one more Miami post to go. Now I must go and make my low-iodine peanut butter cookies in preparation for American Idol and Lost tonight! What a great TV night!!!
Love love love the posts!!
Why are you torturing us with these pictures of the happiest place on earth! I LOVE Buzz! He holds a very special place in my heart, mostly because I am one of the few girls with arms long enough to be his friend if you know what I mean.
Mari, we love looking that the pictures, it's making us super excited! Yay! Looks like you guys had too much fun!
I wanna try some Low iodine peanut butter cookies....yumm-o! Now, quit posting these pictures, I want to go so bad, and then there is Mandy who leaves tomorrow, I HATE YOU ALL!!! Just kidding!
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