I have been given many lemons during the past three years, and I have tried my absolute best to turn those lemons into the best darndest lemonade I've ever had. I feel like I've done fairly well with the cards I have been dealt. And I must tell you that when I am in Costco and I pass by those huge boxes of Crystal Light, I tear up a bit. ;)
An example of a new "Crystal Light" in my life: oxygen
Jaden had an unconventional introduction to life, to say the least. But regardless of the stress and fear that accompanied his birth, I was willing to take him however I could. Ultimately, that meant I had to deal with oxygen tanks, nasal cannulas, apnea sensors, leads, and monitors, and a baby that would rather not have those tubes in his nose. Recently we went to the doctor and they decided he no longer needed any of that during the day - only at night. I was so excited! But what I didn't realize would be the unexpected blessings that went along with that.
The first day off of oxygen, we were upstairs and Jaden was screaming and starving. So I picked him up and we both went downstairs to make a bottle for him. Did you catch that?!? I took him with me! Now, for normal babies and normal moms, they will think, "So what? I do that all the time." but for me it literally caused me to start crying! Before, I had to leave him crying so I could go and get everything for him because to take him with me meant I had to gather up his massive oxygen tank, sling it over my shoulder, untangle his apnea monitor, sling it over my other shoulder, gather up all of the excess wires and sling those through one of my arms, and then pick up the baby all while making sure not to pull out his leads which would set the monitor off with a very loud and annoying alarm. And that is only if he was hooked in to his portable oxygen tank.
Then I decided to go for a walk, and all I had to do was snap him into the Baby Bjorn, and off we went! It was as simple as that! I can't even tell you how free I feel!
And don't even get me started on the ease of getting him in the car! Taking him anywhere used to be the biggest pain. We needed two of those massive Costco carts because Jaden and all of his equipment took up one and the other was for the groceries.
I am so grateful for a baby who's lungs are healthy enough to utilize the oxygen he breaths in. Who knew that something as simple as oxygen could make me so happy? It also makes someone else I know pretty happy too:
Mari, this just made me tear up and cry!!! Because I am so happy for you!
It gives me so much hope that I too will be able to one day pick up Jakey and carry him for more then two steps!!!
Today was a rough one in the NICU! I am starting to get the feeling that i am reaching my NICU limit, yet I know Jake will be there for months to come! I am feeling a bit warn out all the time! I know I'm extra tired when I have all this money for new Baby items and I don't even have the want or the energy to go spend it!
Sorry, I don't mean to unload boring stuff on you, it's just not many people have any idea what we have gone through so it is so nice to talk to someone who has been there!
We almost moved to Jaden's corner today but no sooner did i agree to let them move Jake then did I realize he would be losing most of his primaries.. so i put a stop to that! So I'm still in my corner!
I hope everything continues to go great for you guys!!!
What a great post! Miss you guys!
That's amazing! He is adorable. You are amazing and positive. I really hope that you are adjusting well out there. We pray for you guys often!
Dearest of Maris,
You are the Poster Child of making Lemonaid out of lemons! So happy that you are having your Happily Ever After. Kid is the cutest little guy EVER!
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