Our little family has survived many things during our first few weeks in Chicago:
Jake has survived:
- Having his wife push him awake during the night during the weekends for feedings (I don't let him do any night feedings during the week because he needs his sleep to be on the top of his game for school)
- Sharing the car
- His wife ordering him around and telling him what boxes go where, what needs to be assembled, and other such things
- Not being with his family every 4th day - he has Duty Day every fourth day which means he has to be in his barracks and can't leave for 24 hours, so he can't come home and sleep with us
Mari has survived:
- Taking care of Jaden all on my own (except on the weekends where it's all Jake)
- My first tornado warning! I was seriously freaking out, but luckily we only got the tail end of the storm and not the worst of it.
- Sharing the car
- Managing all of Jaden's medications and doctor's appointments
- Being alone (if you don't count Jaden, which he isn't much for conversation...) 95% of the time
- Living without my camera until The Best Husband Ever found the battery charger
- Waiting an entire year for the best month ever: It's Tour Time!!! (for those not in the know, it's the Tour de France and I am an addict!)
Jaden has survived:
- His first plane ride
- Still having to put up with Oxygen. We are going up to the Wisconsin's Children's Hospital next week to see a Pediatric Pulmonologist (lung doctor) for them to analyze his apnea monitor readings, his chest x-rays, and do a room air test. Hopefully when we drive home from that we will drive home not on oxygen!
- Humidity. He hates it. He doesn't like being outside. It is very hot and very humid here and he prefers to be in our air conditioned house.
- Going from a home where every single person adored him and wanted to hold him, to a home where there are only two people to love and adore and hold him
- Starting to smile on his own and on purpose
- Growing to a chunky monkey 9 pounds 2 ounces!!!!
And now for your viewing pleasure, some pictures of Jake holding his son for the first time, and Jaden when he was in a silly mood:
I've been dying to know how you were surviving! Such cute pictures! We miss ya!
Glad you're surviving! That kid gets cuter every day! Love the tongue action.
Find some friends so you don't go crazy.
im glad things are going well!
he is such a cute little thing
I miss you so much! I went to my first scrapbook thing today with Lori and I think I might have freaked out all of the "still Pregnant" moms that are there on bed rest! When I told them how much Jakey weighed there was a loud gasp in the room! I think it also made them feel like maybe they don't have it so bad and that there could be much worse! But I loved having you there to lean on and know that you knew how I was feeling! I can't believe Jake will be 4 months old on Monday and we are still so far from bringing him home! He is growing finally now. He did come out into a crib and did great but the Dr's felt that he was burning too many calories trying to keep his temp so they put him back into the awful isolet! But he is growing so good now I can't really complain. He is also on 26 cal which Jake has loved! Anyway I just wanted to say I miss you being there a lot! Talk to you later. I'm so glad you are doing so great in Chicago!
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