(I can't make those large spaces with nothing go away....)
Can you believe my little man is 6 months old?! Crazy! So in his honor, here are 6 things you probably don't know about Jaden:
- He NEVER spits up. I can count on one hand the number of times he has spit up. He also doesn't drool, but that will come with the teething I'm sure.
- He has to have about 9 medications given to him throughout the day and he never complains. Even when it's time for those gross multi-vitamin drops he doesn't even pull a face. He just takes them like a champ.
- He loves to hold your hand. Whether it's during his feeding, during playtime, when he's in his swing, or being rocked to sleep, he wants to grasp your finger.
- He is a picky eater. He likes his bottle warmed up to just the right temperature and he will only drink fresh milk. I think it is partly because my milk doesn't freeze well and tastes sour after thawing it out. Don't know what I'll do with the thousands of ounces we have stored away.... Also, sometimes he wants to breastfeed, but if you force him, then he refuses to breastfeed for several days. And he goes back and forth on which bottle nipples he wants - the slow flow or slightly faster ones. Oh well.
- He sleeps all the time!! I am talking probably 18-20 hours a day! And he sleeps 8-10 hours straight at night! During the day his room gets really bright and he won't sleep in his crib - only in my arms. So we get a lot of cuddle time. And all of this sleeping leads too:
- He is 10 pounds!!! On Monday we went for a check up and he was 10 pounds 3 ounces! Not only that, but he had gained 1 pound in 1 week! I'm pretty sure it's from all the sleeping.
So now we are on to the pictures, and there are a lot, so get ready!!!