Even though I graded this movie a D, I have to admit that up until the last 20 minutes or so I was seriously considering giving it a B, maybe even a B+ depending on my overall mood that day. But man, that had to have been one of the WORST ending to a movie EVER!!!
Also, I'm not really a Nicholas Cage fan. I don't really find him believable in his roles. I think the only movie that he is in that I really liked him as an actor was It Could Happen To You. And the fact that in this movie he is supposed to be an MIT professor, well, let's just say it didn't sit well with me.
I won't give away too much because most of the movie is never shown in previews, so the general concept is that there is a paper full of numbers that has been in a time capsule for 50 years and when it is uncovered, Nicholas Cage happens to figure out that the numbers are actually the date and the number of dead of every major crisis for the past 50 years. An interesting concept in a movie, and I was pretty excited to see where they would take it. I wasn't happy with the direction it took. Oh well.
This movie is pretty intense, and for me, intense = scary. Jake didn't think it was intense at all, but there was a part where scary albino people dressed all in black who never spoke were approaching the car where the children were and I was almost crying I was so scared. So if you are like me and don't handle intense very well, watch out.
The rest of the people in the movie do pretty well. The main little boy was good, although at the end of the movie I realized that he blended so well into the background that even after watching a movie that he partially starred in for 130 minutes, I couldn't pick him out of a lineup if I tried. The best actors in this movie are those who have been told to act freaky. Like the little girl in the beginning - she does a really good job at playing the disturbed little girl without overdoing it.
Would I recommend this movie? Only if you really want to see a movie and you have already seen everything else at the box office. But you have been warned about the ending. Not only does it go completely over the edge of the unbelievable cliff, but it jumps off it with a flying leap out of a car going 80mph. Hopefully there are alternate endings on the DVD.
Rated PG-13 because of some violent images, general scariness (if you are me), and some language.
Thanks for the heads up. I actually am a big fan of Cage! I think mostly because I find him very attractive for some reason!
Bummer, I thought that one looked kinda good.
Booooo. Not so excited to rush out and see it! Thanks for the review!
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