So much has been going on! I always meant to post, I just never got around to it. So to catch you up, Jaden is 7 months, almost 12 pounds, and cute as ever! To prove the cute point, here is a picture taken after he fell asleep on his hand:
We have all been getting over some sickness in this house. Jaden had Bronchialitis (spelling?) and so he had some medications and had to have an inhaler. This is what a baby inhaler looks like:
Grandma and Uncle Robbie came to hang out. Grandma was only too happy to take over my precious cuddle time with Jaden.
Jake and Robbie had a blast hanging out together!
Boy did we have fun with them, but we were pooped out after they left!
And because the movies went over so well last time, we decided to add some more. Some are kind of long, so you don't have to watch them if you don't want to. We have some of Jaden's first time at the beach
Jaden laughing at Grandma
and Jaden with his teething ring.
We loved every minute of those movies! When they were all done, Hallie kept saying "Do another one!!" So cute! Is he teething?
Kid has the cutest laugh EVER! Sweet.
I wanna kiss his little face!
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