Monday, June 13, 2011

Get Ready, Get Set, Here We Go!!!

I know it has been forever since I last posted. That is because life is crazy. Here are the updates:

Jake came and saw Jaden for this first time since he looked like this:

He came home for Memorial Day weekend to pack up all of our stuff and move it to Chicago without us. I do have pictures of Jake holding Jaden for the first time ever, but of course, I packed up my camera charger and my camera has since run out of juice, so no pictures for now.

Jake and my dad left on Monday morning, drove straight through, got to Chicago Tuesday morning, and my dad flew home Tuesday afternoon. Which is also the same day Jaden was released from the hospital. That was two weeks ago tomorrow, so now you know why my life has been so crazy!

Having Jaden home is wonderful but also very difficult. Any new baby at home is exhausting - getting up multiple times in the middle of the night, trying to figure out why they are screaming, having a long list of things that have to get done but having a baby who just wants to be held, and getting him to sleep only to have him become wide awake the moment his head hits his mattress - but a new baby on oxygen is even worse. I have essentially a tether attached to him. I can only go so far with him before either his oxygen tubes or his heart monitor cable pull me back. If Jaden gets up screaming in the night because he's starving, I can't take him with me downstairs to prepare his bottle (he has almost completely stopped breast feeding and so now I pump and give him bottles) so I have to leave him screaming in his room while I go get everything ready. And if I'm with him and the phone rings or someone comes to the door? Forget it! So I will be glad when we get to Chicago and we can leave this oxygen mess behind us! He is really only on oxygen to help him through the plane ride, which brings us to our next piece of news:

We are officially flying to Chicago on Friday!!! It will be a nightmare to get the paperwork and equipment needed all squared away, but I can't wait! Neither can Jake! I will miss having my family around to help, but I will be so happy to have Jake and to have Jaden's swing! And my family is already figuring out how they can come visit me because they will all go through Jaden withdrawals when we are gone. So life is crazy!


B. Slade Photography said...

Mari- I am so excited for you! I have loved watching the progress of your sweet little peanut and am so glad you get to have him all to yourself finally! He really is a miracle baby! Don't worry if you feel like you'll never sleep through the night again- you won't, but somehow you adjust and it's not so bad:) Good luck with your move, I wish we were coming to visit- I love Chicago! - Brenda

Idona said...

so glad he is doing so well. Good luck in Chicago, it will be so nice for you and Jake to be together again. You and your little family! Love you guys, its been a long haul for you all.
Aunt Idona and Uncle Marty