So we decided to have some fun this past weekend and really do something that would challenge ourselves. What better to accomplish that then to go on a 3-hour zip line tour of western Massachusetts!?! We had so much fun and Jake was totally fearless! I, on the other hand, almost chickened out on the first zip. We were really high up and I was not sure about trusting my life to some ropes and pulleys. But after I took the first plunge, each additional one got easier. I also perfected the art of braking just enough so that I sailed onto the next platform with grace and ease. We had a really great time and I learned to give up just enough control to allow myself to dangle on a rope 100ft in the air! Here are some pics of us zipping. Not the most flattering, but I wasn't out to impress anyone! 

This was our group (we are on the right side on the end). They were a lot of fun, and I did find it amusing that Jake was the only male member of it! Except for our guide of course... I felt a lot better about the whole zipping situation after I found out that all of the ladies in our group were nurses! That way they might be able to revive me after I had fallen to my near death!
That looks like such fun! Good for you for making the most out of your experience there in Massachusetts. I am excited to read about your next adventure!
Oh man! I want to go! That sounds soooo fun!
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