A few night ago I was washing my face before bed, but Jake needed the sink so I kind of rushed the process. Because I was hurrying so fast, I thought I got a little bit of my face wash in my nose. Kind of gross, I know!
I didn't think much about it until the next day when I kept smelling my face wash and the smell started making me sick. I didn't want to eat anything, not even popcorn at the movie theater! (P.S. Don't take your husband/boyfriend/brother to see The Proposal. Not unless you want them drooling over an almost full-frontal of Sandra Bullock. Only the most bare minimum was covered to grab that PG-13 rating. I was very surprised. I'm glad I went alone.) The smell kept lingering and it made me just want to puke. I tried to blow my nose to get it out, and even considered flushing my nose out, but nothing helped. I finally got some food down and went to bed.
Then yesterday I woke up smelling the smell again! Through most of the day I felt sick again, but being the science person that I am, I realized that even if I had got some face wash in my nose, it would have dissipated by now, so it had to be something else. I sniffed my skin to see if it was my lotion. Nope. I sniffed my clothes to see if it was my detergent. Nope. I sniffed my hair to see if it was my new shampoo. Nope. And then the light bulb went on, and I reached for my new deodorant. BINGO! I had found the source of the smell that made me very sick!

I had just run out of my previous deodorant, the new Dove cucumber one. When I went to the store, this kind of Dove deodorant was on sale, 2 for $4. Normally, they are more than $4 a piece, and since I am a sucker for a sale, I bought 2. Why not, right? I mean, I will always need deodorant. Now I am kicking myself. Not only do I hate the smell (and yes, I did smell it before I bought it but it didn't bother me at first) but now I have 2 of them. Some people might like it. Not me. Now I need to go buy new deodorant at the store...
You are too funny. I'm so sorry I didn't call you back last week. We were out of minutes and then when we got new ones, we just have been crazy...I would love to talk to you! I WILL call you...
YUCK! I don't like anything in my nose, not even boogars! (however you spell that) Good to know about the proposal, thanks for the warning. The only frontal Joe needs to see is mine, so there! MISS YOU!!!! Everyone missed you at the reunions. Yeah for half way through!
That has totally happened to me... I hate changing deoderant smells becuase they NEVER go away!!
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