And they start the Total Body Thyroid Scan which is such a lie because it only goes to your knees. But it does take 30 minutes to scan from head to knee. And I can't move. And I can't talk. At least, I can't talk until it moves past my head and at that point there's really only about 10 minutes left in the scan. Good thing I find my own thoughts very entertaining! After the total body one they do a second scan where they position the camera right above my neck for 10 minutes. This time they lower the camera to within an inch of my nose! Luckily, I am not claustrophobic, but it did bug my eyes because they had a hard time focusing on something so close, so for most of the scan I just lay there with my eyes closed. I don't have any pictures of that one because Alex had gotten bored by then and gave up her seat to Jake who eventually gave it up to my mom who tried to get me to laugh until the lab tech scolded her.
Last time I had the scan the ladies were nice and let us have a peek at the results so we would have an idea of what was going on. Unfortunately, these guys were sticklers for the rules and regulations. We pretty much begged and pleaded to get just a glimpse of the scan but they went all "HEPA rights" and "privacy violation" on us. And when my mom tried to look over their shoulders during the scan, they purposefully shifted their bodies to block her view!! So I have no idea what to expect during my doctors visit tomorrow. For goodness sakes! I'm been waiting over half a year to see if my scan showed any surviving thyroid cells and they couldn't even let me have my 5 seconds with my own scan! So I will know more and post more tomorrow. Let the anticipation begin!
I love the pictures. I am actually surprised they even let you take pictures. I have always wanted to see something like that. I am anxious to hear today!!!
yeah, I am shocked that they let you take pictures at all. I too think it is ridiculous to make you wait a day before seeing your results but I wish you luck. Love ya!
mari, those pictures actually were a little scary. I can not handle my arms being trapped. You are so brave!! it has been so long, I hope we get to see you guys soon!
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